For Homestay Guests

  • Avoid host that asks you to communicate off the site.
  • If you are in Germany you should inspect the accommodation before paying.
  • Ask for a receipt for any payment.
  • Never use Western Union, MoneyGram, BidPay to send payment. It is our belief that these forms of funds transfer are favoured by fraudsters.
  • Never send money to a bank account not in Germany.
  • Report any host asking for payment by Western Union, MoneyGram, BidPay, any form of wire payment or to a bank account not in Australia.
  • Do not send money to a bank account in the name of Michelle Johnstone without inspecting the property. This name is commonly used on internet fraud attempts.

For Homestay Hosts

  • If student overpays for accommodation it is almost certainly Advance-fee fraud.
    Typical Advance-fee scam:
    • They communicate from overseas and write confidence building emails
    • They send you a cheque for excess of the agreed rental period and deposit, drawn on an obscure bank
    • They ask you to transfer the excess amount by Western Union to a third party
    • In the meantime your bank comes back to you to advise cheque is fake/stolen and will not honour
    • They disappear
  • Ask for a deposit
  • Never use Western Union, MoneyGram, BidPay to send payment. It is our belief that these forms of funds transfer are favoured by fraudsters.